Full title: Training courses for teachers in Universities for Nurturing innovative Educative practices in Distance and blended learning based on self regulation
Duration: 2021 – 2024
Deliverable: APP
The TUNED project aims to provide an innovative solution that meets the needs of lecturers in higher education contexts by creating a new training pathway for academics who promote their teaching skills on the basis of a collaborative learning approach. TUNED promotes a lifelong learning dimension in the university context by approaching fluid classrooms, providing new and innovative pedagogical tools based on psychological constructs rooted in self-regulated learning. Smarted’s main role in the project is the design and implementation of the serious game.
TUNED is a Serious Game based on Self Regulated Learning developed as a result of the TUNED project (Erasmus+ co-funded by the European Union). The game consists of a collection of different scenarios related to the management of a virtual classroom in the perspective of Self Regulated Learning. You will be the teacher of your class and will have to try to get a score above 0 by balancing 4 dimensions, namely Involvement, Engagement, Emotion and Learning Objective. You must read the introduction of each scenario and then choose from 4 answers, each of which will increase or decrease the 4 dimensions mentioned. It is important to stress that there are no right or wrong answers, it all depends on what you have to or want to increase, the only rule is to have a score above 0. At the end of the game, the system will give the total score of your session.