KnIghtS oF thE EuroPean Grail

Full title: KnIghtS oF thE EuroPean Grail
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Deliverable: in progress
Knights of the European Grail, an Erasmus+ project of the Goethe-Institut London and strategic partners from the UK, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal and Germany, received the Erasmus+ quality seal in the school sector and was also rated good as a practical project on the Erasmus+ project results platform. The aim is to provide other Erasmus+ applicants with useful hints on how to create an efficient, meaningful and long-lasting Erasmus+ project in the school sector.
Smarted is a partner in the Knights of the EU Grail project acting as a bridge between the content and technology partners, offering its expertise in the field of Game Based Learning. Smarted is responsible in the project for contributing to the development of the learning platform (app) and artificial intelligence modules.
The project’s learning platform aims to produce a mobile application for language learning (A1/A2) for children using the medieval historical context, through gamification elements.
The project is funded by the European Community, in the call KA2 Erasmus+, School sector.