Full title: Adaptive LEArning in Statistics
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Deliverable: APP
The core of the ALEAS project is the development and implementation of an adaptive learning system (ALEAS) that will be realized exploiting the most innovative and digital technologies embedded in an open access framework. The main keywords that characterize the innovation and the originality of ALEAS are: digital, dynamic, assessment, multidisciplinary, inclusive.
The previous keywords are strictly related to the selected priorities that the project aims at realizing. The project is designed taking into account young people’s habits and preferences in the digital era. ALEAS will support students’ learning providing several resources (tests, videos, cartoons, texts). Learning materials and resources will be inserted in an online system and will be delivered through technological devices of any type, including mobile devices. The development and deployment of an app is considered crucial to motivate students and guarantee their constant participation and involvement.
The role of Smarted: directed the writing of the project.
Many scientific articles highlighted that there are several reasons that generally contribute to human sciences courses students’ low performance in Statistics and more generally in mathematics. These reasons can be roughly gathered in three groups:
- lack in background knowledge;
- psychological traits of anxiety towards mathematics and statistics;
- lack in motivation for the study of Statistics.
In this general framework ALEAS is designed as an integrated system that profiles the students according to both their background in mathematics and statistics fundaments and according to their psychological profile in term of anxiety towards the mathematics.
The ALEAS project is designed taking into account young people’s habits and preferences in the digital era. ALEAS APP will support students’ learning providing several resources (tests, videos, cartoons, texts). Learning materials and resources will be inserted in an online system and will be delivered through technological devices of any type, including mobile devices. The development and deployment of an app is considered crucial to motivate students and guarantee their constant participation and involvement.