Smarted srl was born in 2017 as an innovative start-up (pursuant to law 221/2012), and as a spin-off of the scientific research activity of its members in the field of Cognitive Sciences and Artificial Intelligence. Founded with the aim of supporting people’s social-cognitive sphere, Smarted develops innovative applications designed to improve fundamental activities such as playing, learning, teaching, recovering and supporting neuro-cognitive functions. Our approach is based on a variety of tools and applications. Among our main offers are:
- Serious Games, designed not only to entertain but also to educate and rehabilitate
- Augmentative Alternative Communication solutions, which facilitate interaction for people with communication difficulties
- multisensory applications, which involve multiple senses for a more complete learning or rehabilitation experience
Furthermore, many of our methodologies are inspired by the Montessori approach, which enhances autonomous learning and self-correction, allowing users to develop cognitive skills in a natural and intuitive way. The innovation underlying Smarted products is the result of a continuous exchange between internal research activities and the experiences gained in European projects. This integrated approach allows us to offer cutting-edge solutions, capable of responding to the real needs of users and significantly contributing to technological and scientific progress in our sector. In Smarted, we firmly believe that technology must be at the service of man, and for this reason we are constantly committed to creating tools that make the learning or rehabilitation process a rewarding and engaging experience.

He is a psychologist that works mainly in the field of learning, education and training. After graduating in psychology at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, he attended a post graduate course in On-line Educational and Training, at the Bocconi University in Milan. He is the author of scientific papers published both nationally and internationally. He has consolidated experience in schools and science centers as an external expert. The research interest and the work activity is mainly concentrated in the field of technologies to support the teaching / learning process and their applications in different contests such as education, training, recreational-recreational and rehabilitation, mainly to promote the learning of soft skills such as collaborative learning, prolem solving, social inclusion.

He is a biomedical engineer, PhD in the University of Naples – Federico II in Human Mind and Gender Studies. His research interests focus on the advanced teaching/learning technologies and applications; Tangible User Interfeces (TUIs) with a multisensory approach in the education, and on the development of artificial intelligence models and algorithms for classification. He collaborated in many projects in the FP7 program for Xiwrite srl (CONVERGENCE, OPTIMI, N€UROMED) regarding mainly management and coordination issues. In addition, coordinated as Project Manager, an LLP-Comenius project called Block Magic on behalf of Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of Italian National Research Council (CNR). In the 2017 he won the prize of the International ASLERD Student Contest for the best “People Centered Smart Learning Ecosystem” prototype. Nowadays, Raffaele Di Fuccio manages for the SMARTED srl three EU Funded project in the Erasmus Plus Programme (ACCORD, DoCENT, ALEAS, EULALIA). Now he is researcher at the University of Foggia as professor in Special Pedagogy.
He worked as researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of Italian National Research Council (CNR). His research activity concentrates main on Artificial Life and Neural Networks techniques and methodologies, on computational models of neuropsychological syndromes, on Artificial Intelligence systems applied to videogames and learning processes. He is author of international scientific publications and participated to many European research projects, in which he collaborated to the creation of several technological platforms for Soft Skill training.
He has a degree in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D in Psychological and Pedagogical Science. Since 2006 he worked in the research field in some important national and international research centres, included the Second University of Naples, the University of Naples Federico II, the “Laboratoire sur le langage, le cerveau et la cognition” of the “Institut des sciences cognitives” of the CNRS, Lyon, France. He published some scientific articles with international relevance and participated in important European scientific projects..
Rosanna Napolano obtained a three-year degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and obtained a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychosexology from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The studies she has conducted include topics such as forensic psychology, gender dysphoria, male and female sexual health, history of sexuality, quality of life and clinical psychology. You completed your post-graduate internship at the Observatory on Eating Disorders at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, focusing on the implications of emotional regulation in childhood obesity and the prevention of the phenomenon, and more generally of regulation emotional in children. You have work experience in the graphic design sector and have extensively used software for graphic design and graphic painting, you have worked on the UX and UI design of serious game apps for children, brand design and marketing design. To date, Rosanna Napolano collaborates with SMARTED srl in the management of 2 EU Funded projects in the Erasmus Plus Program (CHAMELEON and NEFELE) and takes care of social media management, event marketing design and brand design of the company.
Clarissa Lella graduated in Developmental and Educational Psychology from the University of Naples – Federico II in 2022. Her master’s thesis focused on the study and design of an innovative ICT platform for inclusion and learning in the school context. The study aimed to examine the use of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) with a multisensory approach in the educational field, with a specific focus on inclusive teaching for pupils with SEN.
In 2024 you obtained a master’s degree in School Psychology from the Niccolò Cusano Telematic University with a thesis on the relevance of promoting emotional intelligence in the school environment entitled “Emotional intelligence as a resource for promoting a pedagogy of care at school” .
She is currently a PhD student in Digital Transformation at the Pegaso Telematic University.
She currently collaborates for SMARTED srl in the management of two projects funded by the EU under the Erasmus Plus Program (GAMELAND and IA-ME).
Erika Inderst is an English teacher, and translator specialised in the field of education, specifically in learning and teaching (new; AI-based) technologies, pedagogical and psychological approaches (particularly in the field of foreign languages), and teaching and learning techniques for inclusive education (in particular: blindness and deafness). She graduated in foreign languages and translation (English and German) at the Univerity of Rome “La Sapienza”, and accomplished her Master’s Degree in Linguistics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, thanks to which she collaborated in the project CREAMY.
Nowadays, she works as a project manager at Smarted s.r.l., translator and language consultant at NeapoliSanit s.r.l., and English teacher in high school.
Pixel often accompanies us to schools and exhibition stands where it helps us work with people, adults or children, in a playful and pleasant way even on complex topics which are thus learned while having fun.

SMapp is the innovative platform for creating augmented reality apps without writing code, transforming ideas into experiences.
A SIMPLE TO USE, INNOVATIVE, INTERACTIVE and INCLUSIVE teaching tool designed for teachers and students of all levels that allows the creation of interactive concept maps: the “Talking Maps”.
SMapp is a hardware and software system that allows the creation of PERSONALIZED INTERACTIVE TALKING MAPS. Users have the ability to create physical maps and make them interactive through RFID technology.