
Smarted s.r.l. is an innovative start-up which was created as a spin-off of scientific research activities of its members in the field of Cognitive Science. It was born with the goal of developing innovative applications in order to support activities / needs of the socio-cognitive of people (such per esempio giocare, apprendere, insegnare, recuperare e sostenere funzioni neuro-cognitive).

Le nostre soluzioni si fondano nel campo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata all’ambito dei giochi educativi e riabilitativi (Serious Game, Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa, Applicazioni Multisensoriali e ispirate all’ambito Montessoriano).


Sede Legale: Riviera di Chiaia, 256, 80121 Napoli (NA)

Telefono +39 348 77 07 925 P.IVA 08599651216


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